Best Trip Hightlights, 2024

JULY, 2024.

What a challange to describe the great events that happened during this month of July, without having the risk of being labeled as a Big Liar!!!
Surely, our clients experienced moments, that if, they had read, before booking the tour, surely, they will think: “This is TOO Good to be True!”
But, we do have our clients as witness of a group of 40 or so White-lipped Peccaries, 6(Six)!
Tapirs, within two days, also 6(six) Jaguars, on a afternoon boat ride, that lasted only 3 hours…Being, our boat, the one that found 04(four) out of those six Jaguars, being three Jaguars together!!!
Surely, something “to be seen to be believed”…Which will happen if, you book a Wildlife Tour, with Boute Expeditions…

March, 2024.

This past month, we had one of our more successful trips ever thru. the Brazilian Northeast, where we have the only endemic vegetation of Brazil: The Caatinga.
Which of course, holds lots of endemic birds  & one of the rarest birds of South America.

It was a group of 07(Seven) Americans. We started our trip, in Fortaleza, Capital of the Brazilian State of Ceará, from there, we went to Sobral, on the west part of the State…Then, we continue travelling South, during three fabulous weeks…

Among the best birds, we had, it was a pair of Araripe Manakins,  the elusive Moustached Woodcreepers and an incredible morning with huge flocks of Lear´s Macaws…

More can be seen, at the following links:

Happy New Year to Everyone! 

First of all, we from Boute Expeditions, would like to wish all our friends, partners, clients/friends that are returning to Brazil & the new ones that booked with us a trip for 2024, a Happy New Year, full of joy, birds and wildlife!!!
December and January are months of preparation, not just for 2024 but, also for 2025(!!!). We are double checking our reservations & doing some other paper work…
We are antecipating a Great Year! Specially, because we are counting with a new destination:
This new location,  combined with the nearby lodge, The Gardens of the Amazon, to where we have been sending guests, in the past 25 years, shall provide to our clients a Life Time Experience, at the Amazon Forest!
In time:  At the Cunhatai-Porã Reserve, there is a trail, named after Paulo. Since, he was the first one, there, working on a Bird List.
(See, photo…)
Again: Happy New Year to Everyone!!!