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Best Trip Hightlights, 2021

Best Trip Highlights November, 2021.

We, from Boute Expeditions, are always looking for new Birding Destinations, since most our clients tend to travel with us several times…So, for those that love the Atlantic Forest and are planning to return to Brazil to have the feeling of being on a “Bird Paradise”, and also for those, traveling for the first time with us, we are now offering Custom Tours to the LEGADO DAS ÁGUAS:

Surely, 2022 will be an year full of lifers for our valuable customers!
Here is a photo of one of the rarest birds of the Atlantic Forest, taken there, just a few days ago: The Russet-winged Spadebill.

Best Trip Highlights August, 2021.

They are Back! Our costumers are coming back to Brazil !!!

Thanks to the vaccination, around the world & also  in Brazil, many of our clients are returning! For those that are visiting the Pantanal, they are being granted with four female Jaguars with Cubs!!! Important: The Jaguar Season goes until mid November, so, there is still time to plan a Jaguar Photo Safari, with Boute Expeditions, in 2021!  If not,…Then, we are taking reservations for 2022 and 2023!

In August, we had guests visiting the Northern Pantanal and the Southern Pantanal.  What is special about the Southern Pantanal? Well, the nice thing about it is to improve your chances for more wildlife, especially, the Giant Anteater…Bird wise: Only there, we have the pretty White Monjita and the very rare Blaze-winged Parakeet…The Black-hooded Parakeet is also much more common there! See photos & videos, below…
Blaze-Winged Parakeet

Best Trip Highlights July, 2021.

You will be in good hands with Boute Expeditions. Excellent customer service!

Photo Credit:  William Andelt.

This was our 3rd trip to Brazil and Boute Expeditions have helped us on all 3 of them. They have been very good to work with and have given us many good recommendations to make our trips just how we want them. Their customer service is excellent.
On this trip I left my fanny pack in a shuttle van and Paulo went out of his way to get it back and then got it returned to me very quickly. Without his help I doubt I ever would have seen it again! My cell phone was in the pack and it would have been both costly and extremely inconvenient if it had not been retrieved.
Paulo and Marluce are always very helpful, efficient and friendly to deal with. We hope to make more trips to Brazil in the future and will definitely use Boute Expeditions every time.



Best Trip Highlights June, 2021.

Tuco-Tuco? What is that??

Tuco-Tuco sounds strange but, please, don´t blame yourself if, you never heard about it…Tuco-tuco is a rodent that lives underground, rarely seen or photographed…At the end of June, we had a guest, from USA,  that came to Brazil for a Mammal Tour, and, the Tuco-tuco, was one of his targets. Where he saw and photographed it? The answer is:  Reserva Biológica Alagado do Pacheco, located at the County of Viamão, at the Greater Porto Alegre, which is the Capital of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul. It was not an easy task: It was cold, windy & overcast…But, we made it! Congratulations & Thanks to Everyone that helped on this task, from the board of the directors of this important reserve,and, the local guide: Adilson.
More details at:
This very sucessful Mammal Tour, shows that Boute Expeditions with its expert guides, can provide great tours, at any part of Brazil, besides our traditional Birdwatching & Natural History Tours and Jaguar Photo Safaris.
If, you are planning your next trip to Brazil…Be sure: You found the right Tour Company.

Birding during the pandemic? Is that possible??? Yes!!!

Please, don´t blame yourself if, you are surprised with those headlines… But, yes. It is possible. We had been doing trips, since past December and March, see the respective trip reports,on this page…
During  part of May and mostly June, we had an one entire month Birding Tour(!!!).
Which covered the following Brazilian States:  São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.  Read: Tons of Birds!!! 
Among them some of the rare of the rarest such the: Blue-eyed Ground-Dove, with just about 20 (Twenty) individuals left in the wild & NONE, in captivity…
Our recent client was 78 years old and fully vaccinated, having no problem, at all.
So, if you are also fully vaccinated, why not to start to plan you Life Time Birding or Photo Tour to Brazil?
We will be glad to help you as much as we can!
Please, don´t hesitate in contacting us. 

Best Trip Highlights March/February, 2021 !


What a Fantastic Birding Trip!!!

This February/March Boute Expeditions had a Superb Birding Trip thru. the Brazilian Northeast!

We started at the lovely Birding Lodge called “Pau Preto”.
Where we had among other birds, we watched the White-browed Antpitta, Caatinga Antwren, and, this cute White -naped Xenopsaris. Video:

From there, we also had the “every birding trip “must”  to the Brazilian Northeast Birding Trip”: The Araripe Manakin. Video:

After that, we went to the Canudos Biological Reserve, the home of the – Once thought to be extinct – The Lear´s Macaw! Video:

There, we had many other birds, including the Endemic Scarlet-throated Tanager.

The next stop was the Chapada Diamantina National Park. The Sincora Antwren didn´t disappoint us, as you can see, on this video:

We combined two stops at Chapada Diamantina National Park: Lençois and Mucugê. Where the Diamantina Tapaculo offered us a perfect “private perfomance”. Video:

From there, we went to our final stop: Aruá Birding Lodge, where besides the rare of the rarest birds, such the Fringe-backed Fire-eye, we also had two encounters of rare of the rarest mammals: The Collared Sloth. Best: We found a mother holding its young baby, on its chest!!!
Moments that shall be never forgotten!!!

In time: Our next departure is scheduled for early, 2022.

For further details, please, don´t hesitate in contacting us. Thanks & Stay Safe!