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Trip Highligths 2014


Tons of Birds at the Brazilian Northeast!
The month of February, gave us the chance of doing lots of paper work at the office, since 2014 will be one of our busiest years!
But, gave us also the chance for a two week trip to USA and Canada, where we had the chance to attend the meeting of some Bird Clubs and bird a bit too!
Due the “long” winter, we managed to see four Snowy Owl and lots of Snow Buntings, as show on the following links:

MARCH – 2014

March was a month that brought us lots of paper work & made us to be grounded at the office. Surely, the link, below, with more than 5.5 millions of views(!!!), increased a lot the number of requests for our Bird & Jaguar Tour.

This video  was made near the Porto Jofre Hotel and has more than 5.5 millions of views:

It was filmed in one of the locations, where I take my guests. I have, myself, a video of this same Jaguar:

This Jaguar is often seen & even got a nick name: Mick JAGUAR! 😀

It is very easy to tell him, apart, from the others since it is blind of one eye, better seen on my video.

For 2014 our tours are almost fully booked. But, there is still lots of space for the of 2015 and 2016!!!

Birds & Jaguars!  What a great combination!!!


APRIL – 2014

Quite impressive the number of enquires for Jaguar Photo Safaris.

But, no wonder, the video, below, had more than 41 millions of hits!

We take guests to this same very place & also we have our own video:

This Jaguar is often seen & even got a nick name: Mick JAGUAR! 😀

It is very easy to tell him, apart, from the others since it is blind of one eye, better seen on my video.

For 2014 our tours are almost fully booked. But, there is still lots of space for the of 2015 and 2016!!!

Birds & Jaguars!  What a great combination!!!


MAY -2014

This month was very special:  We had an incredible birding trip to Ubatuba, Paraty and Guainumbi.

In Ubatuba, we had three Cotingas, in a row!  Buff-throated Purpletuft, Bare-necked Bellbird and Red-Ruffed Fruitcrow!

Paraty was also wonderful, since we had the Black-hooded Antwren, as our first bird of the day. The trip, to Guainumbi, couldn’t be better, with new birds for the list:  White-sppoted Woodpcecker, Brassy-breasted Tanager, Streamer-tailed Tyrant and Araucaria Tit-Spinetail!

JULY – 2014
Mother Nature is being very generousThese rains will make much more comfortable to travel on the Transpantaneira road and also will keep the Pantanal and its buffer zone ( Serra das Araras and Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park), free of fire. Read: Many birds and animals won’t die.July also brought two very rainy days – So, sky is free of dust and smoke & the vegetation is offering a luxuriant green.We are also glad that we had found a site for Giant Anteater, at Serra das Araras, as well, we had a come back of Least Nighthawks & a pair of Collared Forest-Falcons – What a rare bird!Not just lots of Jaguars, but, Tapirs too:  Up to Five in just one trip!
July was wonderful!!!

AUGUST – 2014

OH! NO! The month of August is Over!!! Well, let’s, then, try to “beat” August having a Great Time, as well, in September.

It was, truly, wonderful – Tons of Jaguars & Birds! Specially, a “new comer”: White-bellied Tyrannulet! Quite far from its original territory!!!

We also had great time, with, the Giant Anteater at Pouso Alegre Lodge & followed for a couple of weeks, a nest of Little Woodpeckers at Rio Claro. By the way, at Rio Claro, we had Agami Heron and Zig-Zag Herons, at the same tree at the same time!!!


These two months are being incredible: We had been having great birds, such Pin-tailed Manakin, at the Itatiaia National Park, two Robust Woodpeckers – on the same day!!!

Jaguars: Our pictures take with a Jaguar mother & its two cubs ( one monht old), taking a bath on the Cuiaba River, will be published in a magazine and an book, as well!!!

At our page at Facebook, you can see the picture of one of the cubs:


We are endig 2014 with a big smile in our faces!

2014: What a Great Year!

So  many Birds & Wildlife!

Which gives a lots of energy to start the year of 2015, ready to offer our guests the Very Best Experience within Brazil.

We are Very Grateful to all our guests that travelled with us in the past 12 months, getting in touch with  Nature.

Happy New Year to Everyone!

Boute Expeditions’ Team.