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Eduardo Patrial

eduardo patrialAcademic Formation

2008 – 2010. Post-graduating (specialization) the course: Valuation of Flora and Fauna in environmental studies. Universidade Federal de Lavras – UFLA, Minas Gerais State, Brazil.

2004. Graduation in Biology by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, PUC-PR, City of Curitiba, Paraná State, Brazil. Title of monograph: Composition and Conservation of Birds on the north Coast of Santa Catarina State, Brazil.

Bird Guiding Experience (Sites in Brazil)

• South Region (includes Atlantic Forest, Araucaria Forest, Natural open Grass Fields, Marshes, Ponds and Shores)

• Southeast Region (includes ‘Cerrado’, Natural open Grass Fields, Stony Fields, Atlantic Forest and wetlands): Itatiaia National Park Ubatuba Reserve, mountain region of Rio de Janeiro State.

• West-center Region (Includes Amazon Forest and ‘Cerrado’): Cristalino Jungle Lodge, City of Alta Floresta, northern Mato Grosso State / Chapada Dos Guimarães National Park, Mato Grosso State.

• North Region (Includes Amazon Forest): 1. Carajás National Forest, Pará State.

• Northeast Region (Includes Atlantic Forest and Caatinga): 1. Serra do Capitão, City of Itacaré, Bahia State / 2. Serra do Conduru State Park, City of Serra Grande, Bahia State / 3. City of Boa Nova, Bahia State / 4. Chapada Diamantina National Park, Bahia State.

Language Knowledge

English: good speaking, good reading, good writing.

Portuguese: mother language.

Bird Guiding Experience (Sites in Brazil)

  • South Region (includes Atlantic Forest, Araucaria Forest, Natural open Grass Fields, Marshes, Ponds and Shores)
  • Southeast Region (includes ‘Cerrado’, Natural open Grass Fields, Stony Fields, Atlantic Forest and wetlands): Itatiaia National Park Ubatuba Reserve, mountain region of Rio de Janeiro State.
  • West-center Region (Includes Amazon Forest and ‘Cerrado’):  Cristalino Jungle Lodge, City of Alta Floresta, northern Mato Grosso State /  Chapada Dos Guimarães National Park, Mato Grosso State.
  • North Region (Includes Amazon Forest): 1. Carajás National Forest, Pará State.
  • Northeast Region (Includes Atlantic Forest and Caatinga): 1. Serra do Capitão, City of Itacaré, Bahia State / 2. Serra do Conduru State Park, City of Serra Grande, Bahia State / 3. City of Boa Nova, Bahia State / 4. Chapada Diamantina National Park, Bahia State.

Professional Experience

• VALE. North Ferrous Department (Departamento de Ferrosos Norte – DIFN). Research Project: Avifaunal inventory and monitoring at Carajás National Forest. Executer institute: Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia – UFRA. Carajás, Pará State. 2008 – 2012.

• STCP Project Engineering (STCP Engenharia de Projetos LTDA), City of Curitiba, Paraná State. Technical Work: Avifaunal valuation in three areas of terra-firme Amazon Forest at Platô Almeidas, Saracá-Taquera National Forest . Locality of Porto Trombetas, Pará State. 2008.

• UNIFIL – Filadélfia University Center (Centro Universitário Filadélfia), City of Londrina, Paraná State. Extensive course for Biology graduating students in Pantanal from Mato Grosso do sul State: Avifaunal diagnostic and research methods techniques, Pantanal from Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul State. 2008, 2009.

• Vale do Rio Doce Company (Companhia Vale do Rio Doce – CVRD). Working for Lages Florestal, serving permanently the Vale do Rio Doce Environment Institute (Instituto Ambiental Vale do Rio Doce – IAVRD) as Biologist, working in diagnostic (Bird inventories and researching) and Fauna rescues at Carajás National Forest. Pará State.2005.

• Environment Solutions (Soluções em Meio Ambiente – SOMA), City of Curitiba, Paraná State. Research Project: Researching Program about the Efficiency of Signalizations for Birds. Bom Jesus, Rio Grande do Sul State. 2003-2005.

• Environmental Idea, Nature Researching and conservation Institute (Idéia Ambiental, Instituto de Pesquisa e Conservação da Natureza) – City of Curitiba, Paraná State. Research Project: Current Status of Brazilian Merganser Mergus octosetaceus Vieillot, 1817 in Paraná State, Southern Brazil.2005-2006.

• BS Colway Pneus, City of Piraquara, Paraná State. Research Project: Bird Researching at the BS Colway Pneus area, City of Piraquara, Paraná State.2005.

• Professional Bird Guide (autonomous). At the moment working for: Birding Brazil Tours, Boute Expeditions, Brasil Aventuras, Cristalino Jungle Lodge, Na Trilha Certa, Exotic Birding, Reserva Volta Velha and Ornatur. Started as professional in 2006.

• Member of the Environmental Technical Group (Grupo Técnico Ambiental – GTA), Ornithology section, from the NGO Equilibrated Environment (ONG Meio Ambiente Equilibrado – MAE). City of Londrina, Paraná State. 2007-2009.

Extra Courses

• University Extension – Introduction to Environment Science. Promoted by Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente (UNILIVRE), City of Curitiba, Brazil. 2001.

• University Extension – Biology and Ecology of Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Delphinidae). Promoted by Instituto de Pesquisas Cananéia (IPEC), City of Campinas, Brazil. 2001.

• University Extension – At the Trails of Environment Education. Promoted by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, PUC-PR, City of Curitiba, 2001.

• University Extension – Biology and Ecology of Sharks and Rays. Promoted by Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), City of Itajaí, Brazil. 2002.

• University Extension – Bird Watching Techniques. Promoted by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, PUC-PR, City of Curitiba, Brazil. 2002.

• University Extension – Introduction to Bioacoustics. Promoted by Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), City of Blumenau, Brazil. 2004.

Congress and Scientific Meetings Participation

• Cycle of Biology Scientific Studies – PUC-PR, City of Curitiba, Parana State in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004.

• XII Brazilian Congress of Ornithology, FURB, City of Blumenau, Santa Catarina State, 2004.

• XIII National Workshop about Traffic of Sylvan Animals, PUC-PR, City of Curitiba, Parana State, 2002.

• XXIV Brazilian Congress of Zoology, UNIVALI, City of Itajaí, Santa Catarina State, 2002.


• CARRANO, E., SANTOS, R.E.F., PATRIAL, E. W., RIBAS, C. F., KLEMANN JR, L. Composição e Conservação da Avifauna na Floresta Estadual do Palmito, Paranaguá, Paraná. (Composition and Conservation of Birds at the Palmito State Forest, City of Paranaguá, Parana State) In: XII Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia, 2004, Blumenau, SC.

• PATRIAL, E. W., SANTOS, R.E.F., CARRANO, E. Composição e Conservação da Avifauna no litoral norte de Santa Catarina, Brasil. (Composition and Conservation of Birds on the north Coast of Santa Catarina State, Brazil).In: XII Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia,2004, Blumenal, SC.

• PATRIAL, L. W., PATRIAL, E. W., CARRANO, E. Avifauna da Estância Patrial, propriedade rural ao sul de Londrina, norte do Paraná, Brasil. (Birds of Estância Patrial, rural property from southern Londrina, north of Parana State, Brazil) Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, UEL – Universidade Estadual de Londrina, PR, 2006.

• SANTOS, R.E.F., CARRANO, E., PATRIAL, E. W., RIBAS, C. F.,KLEMANN JR, L. Dados morfométricos do gavião-miúdo Accipiter striatus VIEILLOT, 1807 (Aves: Falconiformes) no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. (Morph metrics data of Sharp-shinned Hawk in Paraná State, Brazil) In: V Biocec – Ciclo de Estudos Científicos de Biologia – PUCPR, 2004, Curitiba.

• PATRIAL, E. W., SANTOS, R.E.F., CARRANO, E. Novo registro do albatroz-de-nariz-amarelo Diomedea chlororhynchos (Aves: Procellariiformes) para o norte do Estado de Santa Catarina, Itapoá, Brasil. (New Record of Yellow-nosed Albatross for northern Santa Catarina State, City of Itapoá, Brazil) In: IV Biocec – Ciclo de Estudos Científicos de Biologia – PUCPR, 2003, Curitiba, PR.

• SANTOS, R.E.F., PATRIAL, E. W., CARRANO, E. Composição, Estrutura e Conservação da Avifauna do Distrito do Bugre, Balsa Nova, Paraná, Brasil. (Composition, Structure and Conservation of Birds from Bugre District, City of Balsa Nova, Parana State, Brazil) In: XII Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia, 2004, Blumenau.

• STRAUBE, F. C.; URBEN-FILHO, A.; DECONTO, L. F.; PATRIAL, E. W. Fluvicola nengeta (Linnaeus, 1766) nos estados do Paraná e Mato Grosso do Sul e a sua expansão de distribuição geográfica pelo sul do Brasil. A.O. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 2007.

• SANTOS, R.E.F., RIBAS, C. F., PATRIAL, E. W. Observações recentes do caneleirinho-de-chapéu-preto Piprites pileata (Temminck, 1822) no estado de Santa Catarina. A. O. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 2008.

Works and Research Projects Activities

• Composition and Conservation of Birds at the Palmito State Forest, City of Paranaguá, Parana State, Brazil. 2001-2004.

• Bird Inventory and Researching at the Santa Clara Hydroelectric Plant, City of Pinhão, Parana State. 2003.

• Bird Inventory at the Santa Rita Farm, City of Piraí do Sul, Paraná State. 2003-2004.

• Composition and Conservation of Birds on the north Coast of Santa Catarina State, Brazil. 2003-2004.

• Composition, Structure and Conservation of Birds from Bugre District, City of Balsa Nova, Parana State, Brazil. 2002-2004.

• Red-tailed Parrot (Amazona brasiliensis) Population Evaluation in Santa Catarina State. 2003-2004.

• Bird researching under the influence of Petrol Leakage at the Un. Repar, Petrobrás, City of Araucária, Parana State. 2003-2004.

• Researching Program about the Efficiency of Signalizations for Birds. 2003-2005.

• Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), a Population Researching in the Pantanal, Mato Grosso State. 2004-2005.

• Bird Researching at the BS Colway Pneus area, City of Piraquara, Paraná State.2005.

• Current Status of Brazilian Merganser Mergus octosetaceus Vieillot, 1817 in Paraná State, Southern Brazil.2005-2006.

• Bird Diagnostic in two Reminiscent Araucária Forests under the influence of Pinus spp. Plantations at the Municipality of Caçador, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, 2005.

• Technical Concept. Impacts of Araucária Forest Deforestation on Birds at the Region of Natural Fields from Palmas Municipality, southern Parana State. 2005.

• Bird Diagnostic in ‘Canga’ area, Block 3, Carajás National Forest, Pará State, 2005.

• Bird Diagnostic in Amazon Forest, Block 8, Carajás National Forest, Pará Satate, 2005.

• Bird Diagnostic in Amazon Forest and ‘Canga’ area, N2, Carajás National Forest, Pará State, 2005.

• Project of Rescue and Relocation of Fauna in Suppression areas from northwest II, Carajás National Forest, Pará State, 2005.

• Reforestation and Implementation of Ecological Corridor at Estância Patrial Rural Property, South Region of Londrina Municipality, Paraná State, and Consequences Analyses on Birds, 2007.

• Avifaunal valuation and updating in Londrina Municipality, northern Paraná State.

• Avifaunal inventory and monitoring at Carajás National Forest, Pará State. 2008 – 2012.

• Avifaunal valuation in three areas of terra-firme Amazon Forest at Platô Almeidas, Saracá-Taquera National Forest . Locality of Porto Trombetas, Pará State. 2008.

• Avifaunal diagnostic and research methods techniques, Pantanal from Miranda, Mato Grosso do Sul State. 2008, 2009.

Projects Elaboration

• Integrated Program of Fauna Researching. (Programa Integrado de Monitoramento e Estudos da Fauna – PIMEF). Carajás National Forest, Pará State, 2005.

• Bird Researching at the BS Colway Pneus area, City of Piraquara, Paraná State.2005.

• Current Status of Brazilian Merganser Mergus octosetaceus Vieillot, 1817 in Paraná State, Southern Brazil.2005-2006.

• Propose EIA – RIMA over the Birds from a part of ‘Rio das Mortes’ (das Mortes River), Mato Grosso State, Hydroelectric construction. 2005.

• Composition and Conservation of Birds on the north Coast of Santa Catarina State, Brazil. 2003.

• Reforestation and Implementation of Ecological Corridor at Estância Patrial Rural Property, South Region of Londrina Municipality, Paraná State, and Consequences Analyses on Birds, 2007.

• Avifaunal valuation and updating in Londrina Municipality, northern Paraná State.