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Dear Paulo,
Although, our group is just one in among the hundreds that you have guided, you will be memorable because of the outstanding job you have done for us.
Thank you for finding so many great birds and putting up with our questions. It has been a pleasure.
Always good birding,
Sandy Ritchie/ USA/Oct. 2013.“I am back from Brazil and I had the most incredibly, indescribably wonderful time! I can never thank Marluce and Paulo Boute enough for such splendid arrangements. I had an awesome trip to the Pantanal. Giuliano Bernadon is exceptionally brilliant, kind and thoughtful and, amongst the many lifers, also found Zigzag Heron for us! Marluce and Paulo further arranged a personalised trip for me to the Parque Nacional Serra do Capivara, a place that I wanted to visit more than anything, filled with archaeological sites and thousands of rock paintings, but it is a long and difficult journey.
Boute Expeditions did all the research and went to all the trouble of arranging this trip that is not part of their services – I was astonished at their efforts. They arranged for Giodanno Macedo, an excellent guide, to tell me about the history of the park. He further made the special effort of showing me rock engravings, which were out of the way. Juliana Lombardi was my guide and translator from Petrolina to Serra da Capivara and is really wonderful.
Marluce also found out about the Tabaute Museum for me and made sure that this information reached me. Marluce, you are truly amazing – friendly, generous and warm-hearted – thank you for always answering all my questions! I am so glad that I chose Boute Expeditions. I will most certainly recommend Boute to all my friends and family that travel to Brazil and I most certainly will choose Boute Expeditions again.”
SHERNICE SOOBRAMONEY- South Africa“Thanks for guiding us and sharing your phenomenal knowledge. ”
Alan Ferhst  – England/ United Kingdom

“Paulo Boute was everything we hoped for in a Brazilian birding guide. He found lots of birds for us, he took us to out-of-the-way places, and we had a really good time. It sometimes seemed Paulo had an arrangement with certain birds to show up for us! The accommodations were comfortable, the food was good, and the van we traveled in was roomy, with excellent visibility. We hope to go on another birding adventure with Boute Expeditions soon!”
Tom and Pamela Webster
September , 2009 – Fairbanks, AlaskaDear Paulo,
WOW! I could not have hoped for a better introduction to the avian wonders of Brazil than the one you provided to our group.
I especially appreciate your patience in getting us on the birds and your willingness to teach us “our homework” each night with the checklist.
You are a consummate field man – Great ears, sharp eyes and with a solid knowledge of being the right place at the right time. I can see why you have so
many friends along your birding routes.
I will be happy to recommend you .
Bill Thompson III
Editor of Birdwatcher’s Digest
Ubatuba – June 15th., 2009.Another Great Birding Trip! July, 2008.
Many thanks to Paulo and Marluce Boute, of Boute Expeditions(…)who made this trip easy, productive and enjoyable.
Extracted from the book: Brazil’s Pantanal by Janet Zinn.( 

Thanks for a great week of birds, good food, great places and most of all for putting up with us. It has been a great trip!
Much of the success of the trip was due to your very keen ears, persistence, and field craft.
You also had a great rip plan and good logistical arrangements. I look forward to another trip to Brazil with you soon!
Best Regards,
Terry E. Moore
Vice President – Sport Optics
Leica Camera Inc (USA)
July – 2008.

Thank you! This has been a great trip – Full of Birds that a North American Birder could otherwise only dream about seeing. And you showed them to me.
You have great bird-hearing and – spotting.
I’m eager to come back. Thank you.
Charles J. Hagner , Birder’s World Magazine – Editor – July, 2008.

Our first trip to Brazil was organized by another couple, birders/photographers, as are we, so a total of four people..  They settled on Boute Expeditions for a couple of reasons, one, his extensive knowledge of Brazil and two, that he’s organized photographic trips for Joseph Van Os.

We were not disappointed, we saw an amazing amount of birds, especially the ones we had come to Brazil to see…Harpy Eagle and Hyacinth Macaw.  Loads of Tanagers, antshrikes, manakins, lest I forget the hummingbirds, etc., etc.
Paulo, the owner of Boute Expeditions was our guide throughout our first 8 days of the trip.  My wife and I continued on to Iguassu Falls, without Paulo, and the Atlantic Rainforest, with Paulo, after the first couple left after their visit to the Pantanal.
I would heartily suggest to anyone wanting to see specific birds or animals in Brazil, to hire Boute Expeditions.  They were totally professional throughout the trip, catered to the whims of birders/photographers, lots of fun, did I mention lots of great birds.
When my wife and I return to Brazil, and we most certainly will, Boute Expeditions will be our guides of choice.
Paulo, thank you for the BEST trip I’ve ever had.
Don Dolga & Katherine Widdowson
( Paulo
I had recently returned from a Trip to Brazil with Colin Bushell and the Ornitholidays Company and just wanted to send you a short line to thank
both Ricardo and Guiliano for looking after us so well.
They made the whole trip so much more interesting and although they are very different personalities they both brought their knowledge and
enthusiasm for their country and the wildlife in it, to make the trip come alive.
Ricardo was at a bit of an advantage when we saw Puma and Jaguar, and he obviously loves his country. Its great to meet someone who obviously loves and embraces life with such energy.
Best wishes to you and your company.
Sue HealeyU. K. – October, 2008.Dear Paulo,
You have set a new standard for me, for birding trips. It will be very difficult, may  I say, impossible , do better. You have given me so many memories:  an  owl with “eyes” in the back of its head, blue-and-yellow macaws, the love of my life with Hyacinth Macaws appeared, jabirus by the  100’s & Jabiru nests by the dozens.
Thank you for sharing & showing me this little piece of heaven. Your ability coax birds into the open, recognise then by the faintest song is amazing. Thank you for the wonderful holiday which has far exceed my expectations.
JANET – July, 2010.

“Paulo Boute was everything we hoped for in a Brazilian birding guide. He found lots of birds for us, he took us to out-of-the-way places, and we had a really good time. It sometimes seemed Paulo had an arrangement with certain birds to show up for us! The accommodations were comfortable, the food was good, and the van we traveled in was roomy, with excellent visibility. We hope to go on another birding adventure with Boute Expeditions soon!” September , 2009.

Tom and Pamela Webster Fairbanks, AlaskaDear Paulo, WOW! I could not have hoped for a better introduction to the avian wonders of Brazil than the one you provided to our group. I  especially appreciate your patience in getting us on the birds and your willingness to teach us “our homework” each night with the checklist. You are a consummate field man – Great ears, sharp eyes and with a solid knowledge of being the right place at the right time. I can see why you have so many friends along your birding routes. I will be happy to recommend you .
Bill Thompson III – Editor of Birdwatcher’s Digest – Ubatuba – June 15th., 2009.Another Great Birding Trip! July, 2008. Many thanks to Paulo and Marluce Boute, of Boute Expeditions(…)who made this trip easy, productive and enjoyable. Extracted from the book: Brazil’s Pantanal by Janet Zinn.( Paulo,
You are absolutely the best bird guide we have  ever run into – and what birds! Green, orange, gold, blue, red, long bills, short bills, long legs, knobby knees, elegant flights. The favorite remains the Hyacinth Macaw.
Thank you for your patience with novice birders like Cliff and myself. The entire experience has been a vacation we will talk about long years to come.
Cliff and Sharon. (USA) –  July, 2010.

Thank you for a wonderful  tour of this bit of Brazil. I have been taking care of others  for my  entire adult  life as a wife, mother, nurse  and dentist. It was a great joy for me to have a couple  weeks with someone else,  you, taking  care of all the details. I was free to just be a carefree adult again. I am not what I would call a “hard core birder” but I always tell people that for me birding is na excuse to go to such interesting places. Not only have I seen over  a hundred lifers but, the entire experience has been a great deal of fun for me.
Thanks for everything!
Dr. Marilyn Rowe- (USA) – July, 2010.

Caro Senhor Paulo,
As I write this, capybara are chewing on grass right outside our doors.  Apparently, they all nature’s  lawnmowers . May be are woud consider coming home with me…
I am overwhelmed with the beautiful animals you have here! There are omre birds the I can possibily absorb in five years, let alone 2 weeks. I am so thrilled to meet up with in the flesh butterflies, birds & animals  that I’ve seen pictures of and wondered about  my whole life.
I’ve known of the  butterflies  “The Julia” and  “Morpho” since I was a small child playing butterfly card  game – they were featured as the “Tropical” ones.
Thank you, that you for your patience with me and helping me to find those ones I missed the first time round.  I do not have great  birding eyes, or ever good ones.  I’ve seen  new families of birds for the first time…parrots & parakeets, toucans & aracaris, even, manakins more accurabely, woodcreepers, trogons come on my favorite,  skimmers,  limpkins,  storks and a few others. My favorites were woodpeckers, parrots  & parakeets, the sunbitern( forgot to list that one) the toucans, the trogons,  the donacobius , the black skimmers, the roseate spoonbill, delightfull flittery seedeaters. The vultures + storks are not all that pretty, but   they are fascinating . also serve  important  services, with vultures eating eating dead creatures and  Jabiru helping to bring in the  tourists for sunset/sunrise photo ops!
Also thank you for all the information about the plant + plant products. I like learning things  like peach-fronted parakeets use dermite mounds for their nests. The oropendola nests + thornbirds nests were cool to seen and enjoyed  seening the huge Jabiru & Harpy Eagle Nests.
Muito Obrigada para todos!
Kathy B. ( USA) – July, 2010.

“I have good news and I have bad news”…  The good news is that your vast bird skills, your energy and your ability to get us on the birds,  has me over 200 life birds. The bad news is that I have to leave this bit of bird heaven.
Some of my best memories are birding on the rivers, seeing Helmeted Manakin, the Hyacinth Macaws and our stay at Cristalino Lodge. I have some great bird photos thanks to your help.
I appreciate your coordination of this once-in-a-lifetime trip and for taking such good care of us.
Bill E. (USA) – July, 2010.