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Robson Czaban

Robson Czaban was born in county of Resende, on the outback of the Brazilian State of Rio de Janeiro.
He got interested on birds, after a trip to the Pantanal, in the 80´s.
By that time, he was living in Brasilia where he started to photograph birds from the Brazilian Savanah, known as “Cerrado”.
He also started investing time and money to improve his bird skills.
He is living, in Manaus, since 1996, which gave him the opportunity to have a “jump” on the number of birds, seen & photographed by him: Over  one million photos!!!
At he has published 8.400 photos of 1,430 different species.
Some of his photos has been published in several books.
It is being over 30 years  that he has birding,  all over Brazil!
He has been taken part in many Birding Events, sometimes, as a lecturer.
Besides guiding, in the Manaus region & near by counties, he has been working, as a volunteer, in penitentiaries, teaching Ecology to those that committed crimes against Nature.